
This blog was created by me to get into the world of blogging. It will have stories, poetry, rantings, ravings, and just anything you'd like to see.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Publish America

I decided to write a blurb about my publisher Publish America, for those who may be interested.

First of all the website address is

I first heard about PA about 2 year ago when I was desperately trying to come up with enough money to self publish my book. As a single mother, on a tight budget that was next to impossible. I probably could have scraped up the initial payment but would have been lost as to how to purchase my own books and market them.

I found PA and I began to do extensive RESEARCH. That's the first step anyone who is thinking of publishing whether it be self publishing or printing or traditional or hiring an agent. RESEARCH.

In my research I found that there is a group of people (some PA authors, some not) who have serious issues with PA. I carefully looked into each allegation and accusation.

What I found was a bunch of people who needed to get lives. Yes some of them have legitimate complaints but none of the complaints were anything that I had not heard from other publishers or other companies in general. There are some good and some bad.

However, the reason that I don't bash my own publishing company other than the obvious is that it's my bread and butter. But the other reason is that for all that PA does not do, they don't cost a thing. The old saying is true, you get what you pay for. No author has paid PA a dime, so if they get nothing in return, they've made an honest return on their investment.

For those writers who want to know, how can I get my foot in the door I would wholeheartedly recommend Publish America as a starting point while keeping these things in mind.

1.Publish America is a POD publisher. What that means is that your books will be printed on demand when ordered. There are some bookstores who take issue with that. However if you were self published or vanity published, it would be the same issue. It does not mean no one can buy your book. It simply means it won't be stocked and waiting on the shelves of SOME bookstores. Any buyer can still walk into a store and order and receive your book. As well as many stores understand the plight of a POD author and will accept your books on consignment basis.

2. Publish America will not promote your book. That is your job. It's clearly outlined in your contract but many authors who are disgruntled seem to have missed it so I'm pointing it out.

There are other people who have much more things to point out but again I've found people who've had the same issues with other publishers both vanity and traditional so they are not worth mentioning in my opinion.

Lastly, the bottomline is no matter who publishes your book, if it's self published or published by a major publisher, a small publisher or even Publish America it has to be a good book.

There are thousands of authors who were accepted by an agent, then a big house publisher who's books sold only a few hundred copies because they just were not good books.

Being with a major publisher does not guarantee success. Writing a good book is the ONLY THING that will guarantee you success.

So to all my fellow authors I wish you the best of success and I challenge you to write the best book that you can. The readers deserve it.

Monday, May 16, 2005

I am way too busy

I am way too busy for my own good. As I posted last week I've rejoined the rat race and am working 8 hours a day.

After that I am working another 5 hours a day promoting my book, taking care of my home, and just basically having a life.

I need a clone. LOL

This week in between working I've made bookmarks and postcards to promote my book and as soon as I finish writing this I will be mailing them out.

I also designed and made a birthday banner for a church member along with programs.

My Moms is in a rehab facility following a coma last month so I have to run to visit her.

In between there I find some time to eat and sleep, and blog.

I'll be back with more next week, but right now I'm heading for bed.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm a shutter bug

I decided to lie on my floor and take these pictures.

I've rejoined the RAT RACE

I haven't blogged in over a week because I now have a full-time job. *sigh*

Previously I was chilling collecting unemployment and promoting my book and websites. Now I have to go to a grind daily from 9am-5pm. The Wayans had it right when they said "A job ain't nothing but work." LOL

I'll be back I just have to find the time to squeeze my blog experience into my hectic lifestyle.