
This blog was created by me to get into the world of blogging. It will have stories, poetry, rantings, ravings, and just anything you'd like to see.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

My Hurricane Katrina rant

Everyone else has blogged a rant regarding the hurricane so let me get my twenty five cents worth in.

As I watched the news coverage and read/listen to the dozens of stories I am heartbroken, appalled, and outraged.

I read a story about a family that waited on their rooftop for rescue for 2 days only to be rescued and dropped beside a highway with no transportation, no food, no information, and no hope. This family actually owned a car to drive out of New Orleans but it was a 5 passenger car. In order to flee they would have had to ride with some of the children in their laps and they'd been told the Highway Patrol would stop and arrest anyone traveling in that manner.

I watched a video of a young man with a boat full of children from his housing project. Their mother's would not fit in the boat so they sent their children to safety and waited for help. He was at the convention center watching the children and hoping their mother's would arrive soon. However the rescuers were not bringing people to the convention center, so it could be days weeks or longer before they are reunited.

I saw a picture of 10 men, women, and children lying on the side of the road after stealing a mail truck to get out of New Orleans and being stopped by police. They were released and "allowed" to continue on foot.

It angers me to hear these stories of people who did the right thing and suffered, and those who broke the law for survival and further suffered.

But what angers me most of all is the fact that Louisiana's prisoners were evacuated BEFORE the hospitals were.

My prayers go out to everyone as we all have been affected in some way by this tragedy.


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