
This blog was created by me to get into the world of blogging. It will have stories, poetry, rantings, ravings, and just anything you'd like to see.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Short Story Contest

You are cordially invited to enter my first Annual Holiday Short Story contest. Open to any and all writers, published or unpublished.

Help spread the holiday spirit by entering this Holiday short story contest, with a chance to win holiday CASH for shopping.

Entry fee is $10.00

First Prize: $100.00 Cash
Second Prize: Colby Ultra - slim CD player

Third Prize: Autographed Copy of Baring it All

All winning stories will be published online at

Submission guidelines:
All entries must be sent as an email attatchment in PDF or WORD to accompanied by your paypal payment of $10 entrance fee.

Short stories must be at least 3,000 but no more than 15,000 words

Deadline for entries is December 18, 2005.

Winner will be announced and prizes awarded on December 23, 2005.

Happy Writing and best of luck to you all.