
This blog was created by me to get into the world of blogging. It will have stories, poetry, rantings, ravings, and just anything you'd like to see.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Playing with dolls

Today a friend sent me a link to a page where you can build your own little icon dolls. I've seen these dolls all over the net for years and always wanted one customized to fit me. Well today I made a few and I'm posting them here. Later I'm going to make some, add some text, and really do things with them. If you are interested here's the website. Dollmakers It was loads of fun, like playing with paper dolls as a kid.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Temptations

Ain't nobody coming to see you Otis!

I simply love the Temptations movie and that is one of my favorite lines from the movie. Leon made an awesome David Ruffin. Much better than when he played Little Richard but this is about the Temptations.

The things I loved about the movie were the music, the dancing, and just being back in that time. My son and I watch it over and over. We also watch the Five Heartbeats alot too. We are in to black male groups of the 60's movies.

The thing I didn't like was the wigs. In the Five Heartbeats they actually processed their hair for the movie so when they danced and sweat their hair moved. Throughout the entire Temptations movie nobody's hair ever moved.

The other thing I didn't like was we never saw the Temptations as the Temptations. We saw 5 guys who just happened to be singers. I realize it was a background story, but I would have liked to see more of the upfront story as well.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

It's official

I will no longer refer to myself as a Christian. I am a person who loves God the Christ but I won't be associated with the likeness or that name of CHRISTIAN.

Some good Christians have told me that I'm a liar when I say I'm a CHRISTIAN, and that God is not pleased with me.

Now the God in spirit explained to me that this is a trick of Satan. If he can convince me that I am not a Christian then he can have me back working for him full-time.

I'm not going to fall for that, but I am getting rid of the label. It's not a label that a Godly person can be proud to wear anymore.

It's a label of hippocrites, and modern day pharisees. It's the label of people who scream about Christ while being hurtful.

It's the label of priest who molest little boys.

It's the label of apostles who steal old ladies social security checks.

It's the label of gossips who point fingers at the wrong of others while not utilizing a mirror.

It's the label of those who denounce anything that is not expressly done their good and CHRISTIAN way.

It's not I won't claim it.

No this lover of Jesus the Christ will no longer be a slave to that label. This lover of Jesus the Christ will continue to love him with all my heart and soul. I will continue to strive to be the woman he wants me to be. I will continue to walk in the newness of his light.

The CHRISTIANS can do whatever they choose.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

No longer a Christian

I'm giving serious thought to no longer referring to myself as a Christian for the following reasons.

1. Christianity has a bad name these days.

2. Too many so called "christians" have done things to earn that bad name.

I believe in God, and I believe in Jesus the Christ but what I don't believe in is religion, and tradition, and all the distorted, twisted things people do in the name of "christianity."

It's come to the forefront for me with my book Baring it All. Yes the cover has a woman with her blouse what. She's not naked. Christians have called it porno, and stated it was ridiculous and based on a whack premise. All without ever opening it up.

My own saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost sister and aunt both had issues with nothing more than the cover, and the synopsis. I understand the book is not for all holier than thou folks and I expected it.

But when I asked my aunt if she would just BUY the book, and keep it in her home to say "my neice wrote that" she replied "NO.Why should I?"

To me that's not Christian love because I would buy and support anything LEGAL a relative of mine was doing whether I agreed with it or not.

My Dad is a minister and he stated he'd buy it just because I wrote it. He had no issues with the cover.

I know that God led me to write this book and I know that God made it possible to be published and I know that God is blessing every aspect of it. But it's dissappointing that the so called people of God are the ONLY PEOPLE who have been tearing the book down.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Book Reviews of Baring it All


Eitor in chief of Private Library Sandra K. Poole

"Gena Garrison has taken a premise as old as time - The Sinner and the Saint- and made it anew.
Her characters are real, everyday people facing the ups and downs of life and love. And to add a little spice there is a mystery...and murder.
This is a true page turner and must for summer reading...especially at the beach. Even if you don't believe before you read will after. Don't miss out on the next new bestseller."

Free lance editor Karen McCord
"Ms. Garrison deftly blends spirituality, sexuality, and mystery in this tightly crafted, fast paced tale. The characters struggle through situations that challenge their beliefs and ultimate make those beliefs stronger.

Avid Reader Sophia G.
"I read the first page and I was hooked! I finished this book in one day as I could not put it down. I recommend it to everyone. "

Avid Reader James A.
Gena has really brought the characters to life in this book. She has taken several life scenarios from several areas of life and turned them into a wonderful story that is a pure page turner and a great read.

Private Library

This is my other baby. Private Library is a story sight owned by myself, author and poet Ebony Farashuu, and webmaster Kelli L. Costly.

It's a site where Ebony and I write stories in different genres. Kelli is in charge of all updates and maintaining the site.

Currently we have mystery, romance, science fiction, erotica, christian fiction and inspirational.

The current science fiction story is about Nigel Tomin. A black man born on another planet who travels to earth to begin a new life. He and his followers chose earth because it's the planet where their ancestors, the ancient Egyptians are from.

My other favorite story that I'm working on is in the Christian fiction genre and it's called Prodigal. It's about twin sisters who are both in love with the same man.

Stop by sometime and check us out.

Monday April 25, 2005

I had a great weekend. Nothing spectacular but no drama and that makes it great.

This morning I went out and ran some errands then returned to work on more book promotions. I received an email to do an author spotlight on Literary Essence. I'm excited about that. I also contacted 2 newspapers for an address to send my press releases.

As a writer, writing the extra stuff like press releases, letters, and bios should come easy to me, but actually it doesn't. I find it very difficult to say the least.

Tomorrow I'm off to Kinkos to print bookmarks and postcards to send out for book promotions.

It's hard work, but everytime I get an email saying "Hey I read your book" it's all worth it.

The Diva will be back tomorrow.

Blogging is HARD!

How do people become so addicted to something that is so difficult.

I lost my entire page yesterday just by trying to add a post



Why is it everytime I bid on an Xbox around Christmas time for my son, I'd lose the bid. I mean I bid on like 10 daggone Xboxes. Each time I'd lose.

But TODAY I bid on a blame paper cutter that I didn't even really want, and with less than 5 minutes left in the auction...

You guessed it...I'm the high bidder.

Ain't that a blip.

Cosby Kids All Grown Up

From l-r Raven Simone (Olivia), Malcolm Jamal Warner(Theo) Keisha Knight Pulliam (Rudy), Tempest Bledsoe (Vanessa), Sabrina Le Beauf(Sandra)

It's good to see them again, all well and happy. It's too bad Lisa Bonet (Denise) couldn't join them for this picture. (I have no idea what the event was)

Raven of course has her own show, CD's, and movies...I loved the Cheetah Girls. Sabrina is the voice of the Mom on Cosby's new cartoon on Nicklodeon, Malcolm is on some show on NBC I've never watched, and Keisha was last seen in beauty shop. Tempest is working on a movie due out in 2005.

I sometimes find it hard to believe that it's been more than 20 years since the Cosby Show premiered in 1984.

But as a fan who grew up with Cosby and A Different World (gotta love the black college experience) I'm glad to see that none of them have gone the way of other "child stars".

No drug addicts, hookers, or Playboy spreads.

I guess Bill did something right after all.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Things get a little easier...

Once you understand.

I'm getting better at this blogging thing but not as proficient as I'd like to be. I mean I did my own website with no HTML experience and I think I did a good job. I've done all sorts of online sites but blogging is trying to defeat me.

I will not be defeated. I will learn how to successfully blog.

Anyhoo...There are some fine brothers outside cutting grass for my landlord. But they have their wives with them.

Yes I am peeved that those wives are not Black women. One is clearly white, the other one could be Hispanic...I didn't get a close look at her.

I know that people should be able to love whoever they wanna love blah blah blah. But when I'm alone, and dateless, doing blogs...I just get a lil perturbed.
I am an online Diva. For those not familiar with the term it means that I spend quite a bit of time online surfing websites, posting to message boards, and reading blogs.

I'm also an author. My first novel Baring it All will be officially released May 14 2005 but it's currently available in pre-release from my publisher or my website www.genalgarrison.

In addition to all that I'm a single mother living and working the South just trying to make it each day.This blog was created to discuss those things, and as a place where I could let it all hang out.Welcome and Enjoy!

I'm having problems

I am having serious issues with blogging. I want to do it, I've seen others do it, but I keep having trouble.

I hope this post displays. If not I'll start over once again.

The Diva